Welcome to the UCC, Congregational, in Burlington!

Celebrating Andrew Harris' Installation as our Pastor

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Upcoming Events at UCC Burlington

Click an image to learn about the event.

At the UCC Burlington, we cultivate a thriving environment which empowers us to embody the beloved, diverse community that Jesus modeled for us, proclaiming that all are welcome, all are loved. We celebrate our colonial roots as we change, adapt and grow into who God is calling us to be. We respect the sanctity of each person’s spiritual journey and we are blessed by the gifts that each person brings to the life of the church. We join together in faithful service and advocacy with the ongoing hope that we can make the world a better, more just, and peaceful place for everyone.

We believe that God calls us to love unconditionally, following the example of Jesus Christ. Recognizing that all people are equal in the sight of God, we seek to be an inclusive and respectful community for persons of every color, age, sexual orientation, gender, ability and economic means. In our calling to express the love and welcome of Christ, we affirm the dignity and worth of every person, and declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming congregation. We strive to respond to the needs of our town and world with practical deeds of love. We welcome individuals and families of every configuration into the full life and ministry of this church.

Join us in our faith journey!

Join us in person for worship services at 10:30 am on Sunday.
Masks are optional.

We are also streaming the service live on Zoom.  Click https://us04web.zoom.us/j/756975189 to watch.

If you cannot connect to Zoom, you can always call from your phone and listen to the audio. The phone number is 929-205-6099 and the meeting ID is 756 975 189 when prompted.

Click here to see the bulletin for this Sunday, October 13.

All are welcome to join us for worship!

Click here to see prior worship services.