
UCC Burlington has created a "wish list" of items we need. You can help meet our operating needs by filling some of our wishes.

You can support UCC Burlington by buying your gift cards through RaiseRight. Sign up by going to, click on “join a program” and enter BB483284315L1 as your enrollment code (to link to our church account).   
For more information contact Nancy Todd

At UCC Burlington, we honor Jesus’ call to serve God by serving others. We believe in giving our time, talents and treasures to further our mission support our local community and communities around the world.

We are a non-profit organization funded by our church members. In addition to collections during the worship service, we have an annual stewardship campaign in the fall where members pledge their financial commitment for the following year. We use this information to create our church budget for the upcoming year.


We also run several fundraising events throughout the year. We use our funds for operating costs – including building upkeep and staff and for our mission work supporting local, national and international causes. If you’d like to organize a church fundraiser, either for the general fund or for a specific cause, you’ll need to fill out these forms and bring your proposal to Parish Council.

Time and Talent

There are many opportunities for individuals to share their time and talents – including helping at special events, singing in the choir, worship leadership, assisting with our children’s ministries, hosting coffee hour, or by serving on one of our church committees. Every year, during our Stewardship campaign, we ask people to fill out a “Time and Talent” survey in which they specify the ministries of the church that they’d like to contribute to.

Online Giving

UCC Burlington is a vibrant community of individuals who come together to serve God and support each other as we continue on life’s journey. If you’d like to support the work that we do through online giving, you can do so by clicking the button below. If you have any questions about online giving, please contact our Financial Secretary, Sally Willard, at