Who We Are And What We Believe

We are a justice-seeking, God-loving, peace-making, people-loving community of Jesus-followers. For over 250 years our buildings and programs have served church members, our town and our world through worship, fellowship, Christian education, and mission activities. We are incredibly diverse in talents, lifestyles, politics and religious theologies. We gain strength from this variety and welcome all who are followers of Christ or seekers of spiritual fulfillment. We use the Holy Bible as our spiritual guide and we follow Jesus as our spiritual leader. We seek to emulate the way he treated the most marginalized people in society.
You are welcome here, just as you are. We believe that whether you have gone to church your whole life, part of your life, or if you’ve never been to church, you are welcome here. Whether you believe in God all of the time, some of the time, or none of the time, you are welcome here.
We are Open and Affirming, here’s what that means…
In 2007, UCC Burlington voted to become an Open and Affirming (ONA) congregation. We have declared that people of all sexual orientations are welcome in the full life of our church and its ministries. Our ONA designation means we have a spirit of hospitality for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Community, and we strive to live out this welcome in meaningful ways. UCC Burlington is a supporting faith community of the UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns.
The following statement is included in Article II of the UCC Burlington Constitution and was adopted in 2007:
“We believe that God calls us to love unconditionally, following the example of Jesus Christ. Recognizing that all people are equal in the sight of God, we seek to be an inclusive and respectful community for persons of every color, age, sexual orientation, gender, ability and economic means. In our calling to express the love and welcome of Christ, we affirm the dignity and worth of every person, and declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming congregation. We strive to respond to the needs of our town and world with practical deeds of love. We welcome individuals and families of every configuration into the full life and ministry of this church.”