Church Documents

Our church documents address different topics of interest and importance to our members.

Safe Church Policy

In March 2012, our church adopted a Safe Church Policy. As a community of faith committed to following the example of Jesus Christ, we strive to extend a generous welcome to all who enter our doors and to treat them with love and dignity. The purpose of the Safe Church Policy is to create an environment in which everyone feels safe and secure, and can therefore deepen their relationships with God and each other. Safe Church Policy (2022).

Vision Process Report

Our church conducted an all-church visioning process from 2015-2017. The attached report details all the steps that our church went through, guided by the leadership of our Vision Team. We believe this fruitful process changed the character of our church, making us more open to thinking outside the box, so that we are able to faithfully respond to the ways in which God is calling us to make the world a better, more just and peaceful place for everyone.  Vision Process Report.

Annual Report 2024

Every year our church produces an Annual Report. This is a snapshot of the year, with reports from all committees and the year-end financial statements. Take a look at our most recent Annual Report to see what we were up to in 2024.

Fundraising Policy/Forms

Our church has many active ministries which require financial resources. Our church has a unified budget, but sometimes committees or individuals want to raise money for a specific cause, or for the church’s general fund. All fundraisers must be presented to, and approved by, Parish Council. If you are interested in organizing a fundraiser, please see the attached policy and fill out the included forms. They need to be sent to the Moderator (  Fundraising Policy v. 1.0 (2015-09-15).

Our Constitution

This version of our church’s Constitution was adopted in February 2018. It outlines our church’s doctrine, along with how we’re organized and governed. The UCC Constitution