What to expect in worship

Many of us have experienced the uncertainty of visiting a church for the first time. We put this page together to answer some basic questions, so you’ll have an idea of what to expect when you walk through our doors

When is Worship?
Worship services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. (9:30 a.m. in July and August). Our Prelude (the music played by the organist at the beginning of worship) usually begins at about 10:25. We suggest you arrive a few minutes early so you can enjoy the music and get settled in.

What Should I Wear?
Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. It is our hope that you won’t put up any false pretenses when you walk through our doors, because you are welcome just as you are. You’ll find that people dress in a variety of ways from casual to more formal and everything in between. As long as you feel comfortable, that’s all we’re concerned with.

Will Someone Greet Me When I Arrive?
Yes! It doesn’t matter if you’ve been coming to UCC Burlington for decades or if it’s your first visit – we have greeters who stand in our church entryway every Sunday morning before worship. They will give you a bulletin when you arrive (that’s a pamphlet with that day’s worship order and announcements), they’re also happy to show you where the nursery and restrooms are, and to answer any other questions you may have.

How Long Does Worship Last?
Approximately one hour, followed by a coffee hour where everyone is welcome!

Where Should I Sit?
We have open seating everywhere, so sit anywhere that’s comfortable for you. It’s a running joke that people prefer the back of the sanctuary (even people who have been coming for years). If you prefer to sit in the back, you are most welcome to, but we always encourage people to sit down front as well!

What Can I Expect?
A traditional, but not formal mixture of scripture, preaching, music, and prayer. Communion is offered to all on the first Sunday of the month, and occasionally we have special services including Baptisms, Missions Sunday, Earth Sunday, as well as youth and children-led services.

Before entering the sanctuary, our ushers will give you a bulletin for that week’s order of service, which includes prayers, hymns, announcements, and an upcoming calendar of events. If you follow the service order, there shouldn’t be any unexpected surprises (unless it’s unplanned, which happens on occasion). The bulletin will have a little asterisk indicating the times during worship when we stand, or you can watch the folks around you. But if you don’t want to stand or if you are mobility impaired, you are welcome to stay seated, or “stand in spirit” as we say. We usually sing 3 hymns per Sunday out of the black hymnal, which will you’ll find in the pew. Singing is optional as well, but there’s no need to feel shy, we encourage everyone to make a joyful noise regardless of their musical prowess.

What If I Have More Questions?
You will – and we are here to answer all of them! Please contact us by emailing us at UCCBurlington@gmail.com. Better yet, join us for coffee hour after worship and introduce yourself. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you better.