Music Ministry
The Music Ministry of UCC Burlington is diverse, offering everything from a Coffeehouse on Saturday night to a Bach motet on Sunday morning. We have two choirs: a Youth Choir and an Adult Choir, both of which are open to everyone who wishes to join. Their repertoire spans a wide range of styles, from spirituals to classic church anthems. The choirs are often augmented by violinists, trumpeters, and other instrumental soloists on special occasions. Currently, the Youth Choir rehearses from 5:45-6:15 on Wednesday evenings and the Adult Choir rehearses from 7:15-9:00 on Wednesday evenings.
The Music Committee of our church sponsors several music events during the year. In the past few years, they have organized a fall Coffeehouse featuring talent from our congregation performing everything from gospel music to the Beatles. They also sponsor a classical concert in the spring. Each spring features a different musician. In the recent past, we’ve had trumpeters, violinists, singers, and organists perform for our spring recital.
The Choirs and the Music Committee welcome and encourage church members and friends to become active in the music ministry, whether by singing in a choir, performing in one of the yearly concerts, or volunteering their talents as a soloist for summer services.