Weddings and Funerals


The wedding ceremony is a service that celebrates a covenant made between two people who love one another. When a couple decides to marry in a religious ceremony, they acknowledge God and a faith community as part of their commitment to one another. The Christian Church honors marriage and stands ready to support you as you embark on your new life together. As an Open and Affirming (ONA) Church, UCC Burlington is supportive of the GLBTQ community and your right to marry. We know that God blesses all people united in marriage, and we are thrilled to celebrate this transformative moment with you.

Weddings are a worship service in which the wedding party, family, friends, and Pastor join to center your marriage in the love of God. Your wedding is rooted in the Christian faith, though we invite you to help create a service that also expresses your individual love, lives, and relationship. Rev. Andrew Harris will work with you to explore your union and to help plan your wedding ceremony. Please contact Rev. Harris or our church office if you are interested in getting married at our church. We also have a function hall, which is available to use for your reception, but per church policy, no alcohol is allowed.

Funerals and Memorial Services

During times of loss, UCC Burlington will walk with you and support you as you mourn and celebrate your loved one. Funeral services (when the body is present) and Memorial services (when the body is not present) offer sacred space to give thanks for the life of the deceased. These services are conducted to honor the deceased, commend him or her into God’s everlasting and eternal care, and proclaim the promise of our faith—that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Our Pastor, Music Director, Administrator and Sexton will gladly work with you to plan a personal Memorial Service or Funeral. Please contact our church office or Rev. Harris if you are interested in having a funeral or a memorial service for your loved one at our church.